Our principals have decades of experience advising leading real estate sponsors on their platform strategy, growth and liquidity initiatives. Our combination of transactional and business building experience provides unique depth and perspective to our advice and execution.
Illustrative Transactions by Partners
*$100mm JV of an industrial facilities developer/operator with a leading private equity real estate fund to acquire a $250mm portfolio
*$125mm JV between global private equity real estate fund and industrial developer
*Capital raising for two industrial real estate private equity fund each over $200mm
*Sale of two industrial facilities portfolio
*Advised limited service hotel operator in a growth and restructuring strategy that resulted in creating a publicly traded REIT that owns 90 hotels
*$90mm JV between global private equity real estate fund and hotel operator to acquire two resort hotels
*Creation of a hotel operating company and support in taking it public
*$50mm JV between global private equity real estate fund and retail developer operator
*$200 fund sponsored by a JV between global private equity real estate fund manager and retail operator
*JV between global private equity real estate fund and leading affordable housing developer to acquire another affordable housing developer
*Acquisition of two golf and residential communities by a residential real estate developer
*Several JVs between a global private equity real estate fund manager and condo sponsors
*JV between global real estate private equity fund and office developer
GP and Co-GP funds
*Currently raising $200mm co-GP fund
*$40mm GP fund to grow industrial facilities developer/operator
*Multiple co-GP investments between co-GP funds and real estate developers
Fundraising for funds
*Assisted in raising $30mm and $100mm co-GP fund
*Currently raising $500mm real estate opportunity fund
*Over $1bn in 5 opportunistic real estate funds for a GP
Currently working on 4 proptech company sale assignments OpCo-Propco
Currently working on 4 assignments to raise Propco capital for innovative OpCos
*Advised Equiem, a global tenant experience platform for office buildings, on its acquisition of Vicintee, a UK-based building operations platform
Advised Relogix, a workplace analytics company, on its strategic sale to Hubstar
*Creation of a DST with a developer/operator
*UpREIT of several hotel properties
*IPO of two hotel companies
*Transaction executed through a previous firm.